encoded information

英 [ɪnˈkəʊdɪd ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn] 美 [ɪnˈkoʊdɪd ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn]

网络  编码信息; 信息



  1. These photons are not encoded with any useful information that information is encoded using normal classical encryption methods but with a decryption key created by a random number generator.
  2. Database-1 contacts the coordinator ( how to do this is encoded in the state information on the recovery log for this transaction& or is otherwise known).
  3. Externally encoded means that the encoding is derived from external information.
  4. Bidi information is also encoded in the M-text representation, and basic morphological information can appear, as well.
  5. The two non-short attributes anno_text and ext are not used, and the third non-short attribute points contains the internally encoded geometry information as a BLOB.
  6. Data communication: The movement or transmission of encoded information such as digitized letter, picture or sound, etc, by means of electronic or electrical communications channels.
  7. The method resolves problems in the standard method when the bit allocation is too uniform and the encoded frame history information is omitted.
  8. When bundled together and placed in a certain alignment, the light encoded filaments work together and release information that makes sense of the history they carry.
  9. Type the information that will display when the encoded content is viewed. Providing this information is optional.
  10. In this paper, an approach of computing pixel-by-pixel gradients of optical directly from digitally encoded Fourier-transform or phase-stepped fringe patterns is used in the information recognition of Photodynamic fringe pattern.
  11. In this paper, landsat pictures are encoded by using the phase grating according to Fourier optical transform principles and the encoded images are filtered again on the white-light information processing system.
  12. Products The watermark can be used to encoded information to detect illegal misuses.
  13. In the algorithm, subband quadtrees are combined to a scanning tree, and then bitplanes are encoded with the information provided by the scanning tree.
  14. Using images encoded and digital signals compressed, GPS system receiver, the information is transmitted to the center server that is linked to Internet through general packet radio service mobile network.
  15. Reading, as one of the cognitive activities through which people communicate with the outside world, can be seen as a process in which readers try to get information encoded in the text by decoding and reconstructing linguistic and semiotic information obtained through visual operations.
  16. According to the characteristics and requests of assembly sequence planning, a method of gene-group coding that describes the correlative information of the assembly process of products was proposed, the new method encoded the assembly information of products into chromosomes that consisted of several gene-groups.
  17. In MPEG-2, the motion vectors encoded inside of compressed video sequence normally have the motion information between adjacent frames.
  18. Scheme adopts a layered transmission model program, and multimedia information is encoded as multi-decreasing information that is a good reduction of the underlying mobile node throughput.
  19. In another aspect, for encoded videos, motion information is obtained directly by decoding.
  20. The encoding theory of tricolor grating and its applications are discussed. 2. Fractional Fourier transform random phase encryption is applied to encrypt the encoded gray level image which contains the color information.
  21. The cascade of events during gene expression, from transcription of the DNA encoded genetic information to the eventual protein synthesis, arguably represents some of the most influential biochemical pathways for a living organism.
  22. In this algorithm, an original image is encoded into amplitude part and other images are encoded into phase information.
  23. The use of adaptive models for each encoded image block dynamically estimates the probability of the relevant image block. The decoded image block can accurately recover the encoded image according to the information of code book.
  24. Decoding algorithm requires three collections linked list stores the encoded information, memory consumption, not conducive to the hardware implementation.
  25. In the first step of embed process, watermark information was encoded by split, adding synchronization information, spreading spectrum and scrambling process.
  26. Network coding is a new data transmission mode, which allows network intermediate nodes to encode the received information and forward the encoded information, and then receivers decode the received encoded packets to the original packets of the source.
  27. To achieve the maximal throughput of the network, network coding is needed and the key links should carry encoded information.
  28. In other words, it is impossible to reconstruct the original video content from the encoded random projections alone, so the security of data information is protected.
  29. For protein active-site information was encoded in ligands combined with protein, so ligands information can be used to guide drug design.
  30. Coherent detection can detect all the information encoded in the optical signal, which allows information symbols to be encoded in all the degrees of freedom available in a fiber, leading to improved power and spectral efficiency.